An exploration in using traditional and non-traditional materials and construction methods of the modern bicycle

Led by Matthew Obbink, Industrial Design

Students will do initial research on what a “Bicycle” is and how it has evolved over its extensive history. Then I will put students into small groups where they will find innovative ways to rethink what I bicycle is and what it could be. In addition, we will discuss the entire ecosystem of riding, including but not limited to trails, urban riding, accessories, safety and many other topics.

Each group will manufacture their own fully functional bicycle by the end of the term. We will utilize the Armory Maker Space, and studio spaces to complete this course.

Students will be exposed to woodworking, metalworking, and working with alternative materials in addition to a greater understanding of bicycle mechanics and geometries for each application of use.

Students will utilize research, ideation, modeling, manufacturing and testing.

Course credits:6
Meeting days and times:Monday / Wednesday / Friday, 1:10 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Variable course fee:$120 – $250
Field trips:Chicago
Maximum enrollment:24-30
Enrollment open to:All juniors, seniors, and graduate students in all College of Design majors

  • Traditional Entrepreneurship

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  • Good health and well-being
  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure

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