Program details

Iowa State’s Post-Baccalaureate Undergraduate Certificate program in Integrated Studio Arts (ISA) prepares students for either graduate study or career advancements by providing a focused environment for advancing your aesthetic, technical, creative and conceptual skills. While a bachelor’s degree in visual arts is not required, a strong portfolio of artwork and a written statement of purpose are required for admission.

Application requirements

To apply for this program, please submit the following materials.

  • Digital portfolio in PowerPoint format:
    • Twenty (20) images of recent work with no more than four (4) of the 20 images being details
    • Descriptions on each image slide need to include title, date, size and medium
  • One-page statement of intent and reasons for further study
  • Current resume
  • Name and contact information of three references

Submit applications to Sarah R. Kyle, Professor and Chair for the Department of Art and Visual Culture, at


As a post-baccalaureate student, you will work with a faculty advisor to create a tailored 25-credit program of study including:

  • 15 credits of 3000/4000-level Integrated Studio (ARTIS) courses
  • Six (6) credits of 3000/4000/5000-level art history courses
  • Three-credit elective selected from a list of options
  • One-credit capstone exhibition course

For the capstone experience, you will be expected to produce an artist’s statement and a written assessment of your learning that will be reviewed, along with your art, by the arts faculty.

This 25-credit certificate program must be completed in two (2) years. Students interested in developing a body of work for admission to graduate school or for professional practice will be ideal candidates.

College of Design student working on class project.

A Cyclone in the Making

Find your place at Iowa State University’s College of Design, where we like to ask questions, poke and prod, create something new, and make a difference through design.