Career Services
All College of Design graduates are eligible to use the services offered through Design Career Services. This includes appointments, access to CyHire, and participation in Iowa State career fairs.
Design Career Services works with alumni in person or remotely by e-mail or phone. Appointments are encouraged. Please email the Design Career Services Office with questions or to schedule a time to talk.

All alumni are welcome and encouraged to access CyHire, Iowa State’s online career management system, to view opportunities posted by employers who are seeking to recruit Iowa State students and graduates. Alumni may request an account using the form on this page.
Interested in posting an available position? Visit the Employers Information page on listing positions for student employment.
Design Career Fair
Alumni are encouraged to attend the annual Design Career Fair to speak with firm representatives or to represent their employer.
Employer registration is managed using CyHire. Once registration opens, students and alumni are able to view up-to-date information as well as job postings from registered organizations using CyHire. Visit the Employer Information webpage for information on this and other employer-related resources.
Tell us what you’re up to!
We are asking you to help us collect information and feedback from all College of Design graduates by completing a short survey. The data is used for program accreditation, university and college statistics, current and prospective student questions, and more. This information is used in aggregate and your name will never appear in the report.