Lifelong Partners For Success

  • 93%

    of our graduates were either employed or continuing education within six months of graduation

The College of Design prepares students for successful careers, and helps along the way. That help in finding and succeeding within a student’s chosen career path does not end with graduation – it’s a lifelong partnership! We have a variety of resources available to our alumni as they continue their journeys beyond campus.

Learn about resources for alumni and friends

Tell us what you’re up to!

We are asking you to help us collect information and feedback from all College of Design graduates by completing a short survey. The data is used for program accreditation, university and college statistics, current and prospective student questions, and more. This information is used in aggregate and your name will never appear in the report.

Employment and salary statistics

Design Career Services collects information from graduates regarding their professional plans following graduation and reports outcomes annually based on activity six months following graduation. For August 2022 to May 2023:

  • 93% of College of Design bachelor’s degree recipients were employed or continuing their education.
  • 95% of College of Design master’s degree recipients were employed or continuing their education.

Ask questions or request information

Future Students

Exploring college opportunities is a big deal, and we are here to support you along every step of the way!

Current Students

Tiffany Atilano

Tiffany Atilano

Career Services Director

Students working on class project in the King Pavillion.

A Cyclone in the Making

Find your place at Iowa State University’s College of Design, where we like to ask questions, poke and prod, create something new, and make a difference through design.