PhD and MCP in City and Regional Planning from University of California, Berkeley.
BS in Environmental Studies with a minor in Community Development from Portland State University.
(515) 294-5289
Campus Office: 0379 Design
Research Interests
My research interests focus on the role of housing within urban systems of poverty management. I am especially interested in the institutional and spatial arrangements related to poverty management systems. Within these systems, I investigate how poverty is being dispersed, shifted and reformed within the urban landscape. As a result of these areas of inquiry, I have developed a strong foundation in the areas of housing stability, housing policy, homelessness, neighborhood revitalization, and community development.
Currently, my work in this area focuses on the problem of housing instability. In this space I seek to understand the role of the decisions made by residential rental property owners (RRPOs) as they relates to rental housing outcomes. I investigate RRPO characteristics, portfolio details, and responses to disasters and other market shocks.
Current Projects
1. Systems of poverty management: How do the everyday practices of planners and planning institutions shape the distribution of poverty and opportunity?
Keeping shelters in place: Understanding the relationship between residential landlord decision-making and post-disaster housing security, National Science Foundation # 2139816.
Data Dashboard:
2. Voice: How do we create inclusive planning processes and inclusive communities?
Strengthening Stormwater Infrastructure in Marginalized Communities through Social Justice Indicators, Iowa State Strategic Plan Presidential Jump Start Seed Funding. PI: Chris Rehmann, PhD (Dept, of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, ISU)
Improving Understanding of Climate Justice for Vulnerable Groups through Communication and Community Engagement, Iowa State Strategic Plan Presidential jump start seed funding. PI: Yu Wang, PhD (Dept. of Political Science, ISU)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): How do we educate for justice and inclusion?
Investigations related to peer evaluation, bias, and bias mitigation, including the development of an online peer evaluation bias mitigation training for use in Team-Based Learning classrooms.
Collaborators: Jacklin Stonewall, PhD and Michael Dorneich, PhD (Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering, ISU)