Office Hours
By appointment only
Campus Office: 0582 Design
By appointment only
Current Projects
Communication for Interior Design I (ARTID261)
Communication for Interior Design II (ARTID263)
Interior Design Studio I (ARTID265)
Interior Design Studio II (ARTID267)
Interior Health and Safety Systems (ARTID351)
Interior Environmental Control Systems (ARTID352)
Interior Design Studio III (ARTID365)
Interio Design Studio IV (ARTID367)
Lectures & Exhibits, Committee Member, 2018 - present
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Committee Member - 2018-2020.
CIDQ, Ambassador, 2016 - present.
Private Practice:
RDG Planning & Design, Des Moines, IA
Interior Designer - 4/22 - present
SK+I Architectural Design Group, Bethesda, Maryland
Interior Project Designer - 5/17 to 7/21
Interior Architect - 6/13 to 2/16
Akseizer Design Group, Alexandria, Virginia
Senior Designer - 8/16 to 5/17
HapstakDemetriou+, Washington, DC
Interior Designer - 2/16 to 8/16