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Peter Goché

Author: Heather Sauer | Image: Heather Sauer

“Alchemistic Push” by Pete Goché, assistant professor of architecture, was included in the Between the Void installation at 5701 7th Ave., Los Angeles, California — an altered space by Los Angeles artist Mike Nesbit. The micro-exhibition took place Saturday, Nov. 14, just as the sun passed through the void Nesbit constructed and, consequently, illuminated the collection of sculptures for a moment in time.

“At the conclusion of the Drawing Atmospheres exhibition held at Black Contemporary (in rural Ames) in 2018, I gave Mike (one of the guest artists) the coat off my back as the temperature had plummeted that day,” Goché says. “This was a culmination of the highly experimental (alchemistic) body of work he and I had created for the exhibition. I presented this coat as a work titled ‘Alchemistic Push.'”