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Andrea Wheeler

Author: Alison Weidemann

Andrea Wheeler, an assistant professor of architecture at Iowa State University, attended four conferences over the summer where she presented her work that reconsiders eco-aesthetics in architecture, part of ongoing research funded by an ISU Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities grant.

Wheeler’s presentation at the Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) 2017 conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, is published in the conference proceedings as “Outsider ethics and marginalized aesthetics: The value of contemporary environmental philosophies for designing sustainable architecture.”

She presented “Rethinking Heidegger’s Fourfold and Luce Irigaray’s Philosophy in To Be Born,” which explored the philosophical criticisms at the heart of her theoretical investigations, at “The Genesis of a New Human Being” conference at the University of Bristol, England.

Wheeler also presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 2017 conference in Madison, Wisconsin, and at “Compresenze. Invito ai Dialoghi / Co-existence. Invitation to the Dialogues” at Roma Tre University in Rome, which accompanied a small photographic exhibition about the question of co-existence.