
AMES, Iowa — Gloria J. Jeff, AICP, director of the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Metro District Livability Initiative, will speak about “Transportation Planning and Equity” in a virtual presentation sponsored by the Iowa State University Department of Community and Regional Planning.

Jeff’s free lecture will be from 5–6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12, on Webex, with time for Q&A. Participants are asked to register in advance to receive the Webex link.

Jeff will discuss the current state of transportation planning and its challenges for the future, including issues of equity, community restoration and preservation, and planning with a view from the community.

About the speaker

Jeff is an experienced transportation executive and professional urban planner. Prior to heading MnDOT’s Metro District Livability Initiative, she had been the project director for the department’s Rethinking I-94 effort.

Jeff previously served as deputy administrator for policy with the Federal Highway Administration; director of the Michigan Department of Transportation; transportation programs manager for the Atlanta District of Parsons Brinkerhoff; and principal planner for the Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, where she led the development, approval and implementation of the Long-Range Transportation Plan. She has represented the United States government in international settings.

Jeff holds a bachelor of science and master of science in civil engineering and master of urban planning from the University of Michigan and an honorary Doctor of Letters from Bennett College. She has a management certificate from Harvard University and a certificate in public administration from Wichita State University. She is an active member of the American Planning Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners. She co-chairs the Transportation Research Board Transportation and Equity Committee.


Francis Owusu, Community and Regional Planning, fowusu@iastate.edu
Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock, Community and Regional Planning, tedgn@iastate.edu
Heather Sauer, Design Communications, hsauer@iastate.edu
