Christopher J. Seeger
Author: Heather Sauer | Image: Heather Sauer
Author: Heather Sauer | Image: Heather Sauer
“Assessing the validity of facilitated-volunteered geographic information: comparisons of expert and novice ratings,” an article co-authored by Christopher J. Seeger, PLA, GISP, Iowa State University professor of landscape architecture, was published in the June 2018 issue of GeoJournal. His co-authors include Iowa State colleagues Kelly Kalvelage, graduate assistant, Michael C. Dorneich, associate professor, and Stephen Gilbert, assistant professor, all in industrial and manufacturing systems engineering; and Gregory J. Welk, professor of kinesiology, as well as non-ISU colleagues Jon Moon, Imad Jafir and Phyllis Brown.
The purpose of this study was to test whether the aggregated environmental (“bikeability”) ratings from novice community residents using facilitated-volunteered geographic information converge with ratings from experts using a robust research-based, paper audit-tool.